Rob Storey

Hello, my name is Rob Storey. I currently manage the Florida market for Pitney Bowes Presort Services. We have facilities in Jacksonville and Orlando. I strive to help my clients save money on postage, get their mailings into households on time, and save time with sorting any large mailing. Our Florida facilities handle presorting First-Class Letters, Flats, Parcels, Marketing Mail Letters, Flats, Parcels as well as Bound Printed Matter. Nothing is more rewarding than helping my clients with their bottom line revenue, and getting rid of their headache in the process.

Rob Storey
Pitney Bowes Presort
8551 Westside Industrial Drive Suite 7
Jacksonville, Florida 32219
Event | Event Date | #Registrants | Registration Date | Amount | Status |
Topgolf Networking PCC Event | 02-02-2023 | 1 | 01-27-2023 | $0.00 | Paid |
Lunch & Learn at the Tampa Plant (6/1/2023) | 06-01-2023 | 2 | 05-30-2023 | $0.00 | Paid |
PCC Day 2023 - Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration | 09-22-2023 | 3 | 08-22-2023 | $1,500.00 | Paid |
Sunset Aquarium Cruise | 10-13-2023 | 3 | 10-04-2023 | $670.00 | Pending |